Imagine a life with no foot or ankle pain. Imagine being able to exercise, shop, play with your children or grandchildren and travel without your feet or ankles holding you back. Our Foot and Ankle care doctors can help you get there. Drs. Helms, Higgins, Chhiba, and Kompier are experts in foot and ankle care. With our extensive training, knowledge and experience, we can help you find the best route to living without foot pain. Learn more about our Indianapolis-based Doctors.
Foot pain is not normal.
It is our goal to help everyone find the best path to solving their foot and ankle problems. Most often, conservative, non-surgical approaches are the first and best treatment choices. However, our doctors are experts in the delivery of surgical care when surgery is the best solution.
Dr. Helms, Dr. Higgins, Dr. Chhiba, Dr. Kompier and our entire staff are dedicated to helping each of our patients. We want everyone to lead a full and active life, free from foot and ankle pain.
We specialize in the treatment of all foot and ankle problems for people of all ages. If you or someone you love has a foot or ankle problem, call us at (317) 573-4250; we are here to help.

Podiatry Experts in Foot and Ankle Care